Access • Accelerate • Achieve

Access supports to accelerate your independence and achieve your NDIS support plan goals!

Access Support Coordination helps NDIS Participants get the most from their NDIS Plan.
Client in his wheelchair with his new legs.
I love NDIS
Two Access Support Coordination clients exploring a fire truck
Get the most out of your NDIS Plan.

How Access Support Coordination can help you.

There are heaps of options with your NDIS plan and our team simplifies the process and ensures you know what your funds can be used for, helping you get the best providers and outcomes.

Our core services:

  1. Support Coordination
  2. Specialist Support Coordination
  3. Recovery Coach
  4. Supported Independent Living (SIL)
  5. Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
Support worker and clients at esplanade
Key benefits to you.

Why have a Support Coordinator?

There is usually no out of pocket expense to engage us for Support Coordination and we make your life easy offering you the following core benefits.

4 key reasons to use our services:

  1. Understand your plan and get the most out of your funded supports.
  2. We help you negotiate with providers, ensuring you get the best value for your money.
  3. We make sure agreements and service bookings are adhered to, giving you control and freedom with your engaged support services.
  4. We prepare and plan your needed report for your plan review.
Young person with SCSS carer enjoying a day out at the beach
Ask to have it included in your plan.

Who can get Support Coordination Funding?

While not everyone has funding for Support Coordination, you can request to have this in your funding plan. If you get Support Coordination included, it will allow you to get professional support and services to help you better utilize your funding based on your needs.

Servicing Queensland.

Get the right access to supports to accelerate your independence and achieve goals.